
Maus Industries Sdn Bhd, Malaysia

馆号:S14.1 展位号:A37

100%全天然乳胶枕头 - Lucky Kid Pillow

Uncovered 100% Natural Latex Pillow - Lucky Kid Pillow


Size: 48 x 37 x 11/7 cm

The MAUS 100% Natural Latex Lucky Kid Pillow is a soft and fluffy pillow recommended for 3 years old and above. Featuring two different sleeping heights on each end, the pillow is suitable for both back and side sleeping positions. Children can also flip it around to relax on the flat surface, offering versatility for different sleep preferences! The Lucky Kid Latex Pillow also features a contour shape that provides adequate elevation and enhanced support on the child’s neck and shoulder. This reduces the strain on children's neck and shoulders, allowing them to relax and sleep comfortably.

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